Tag Archives: mobile

iPhone 4

Finally broke down and bought an iPhone…and the new 4 version no less! So far I’m truly impressed with the screen and the overall quality of the device. The antennae problem is definitely real…although you can certainly get any other phone to do the same thing, including the 3G and 3GS versions of the iPhone. I would argue that the design of the 4 doesn’t really help that issue, seeing as how the metal band on the outside edge is the antennae. I’m willing to bet that apple releases an S version later, correcting that issue. Typing on any iPhone still leaves something to be desired although as I write this too you on it, the experience definitely gets faster and better with time. Pro tip: use landscape mode. My hands grip the phone better and allow my oversized thumbs some freedom. Now if we could just fix that reception issue while I type this way…but who am I kidding. I could never possibly get EVERYTHING I want in a mobile handset. I’d like to post up a challenge to the internets however…design me a device that has it all! I’ll accept written descriptions in the form of comments. Go!